Device Details


Name | Version: Advanced Toolbar Buttons 2.0
Author: killihu
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This plugin adds new buttons/controls and new features to work with Ableton Live.

It consists of a button bar with a transparent background, where different button configurations can be created. The button bar can be positioned anywhere on the screen.

Main features:

- Adjustment of clip parameters without having to open the clip detail view, such as volume, transposition, groove selection and others.
- New mode to capture and insert scene.
- Global activation and deactivation of tracks.
- Alternative way to move loop markers in the arrangement.
- Automatic reset of overwritten automation when starting or stopping transport.
- Automatic unfolding of the track selected in the arrangement and folding the other tracks.
- Track colors to clips for all tracks in the project.
- Volume, Pan and Send controls for the selected track.
- Session view clip duplication and triggering of the new duplicate clip.
- Switch between different Live color themes without opening the preferences window.
- One-button access to various Live actions that are only available in context menus.
- Creation of presets with different layouts that can be loaded using key mapping.
- Button/control size adjustment to fit any screen resolution.
- Supports multi-monitor setups.
- Does not interfere with Live’s undo history.
- Matches Live’s color theme.

Buy Advanced Toolbar Buttons now and get the latest version. Then later, all future updates free.

Check the manual before buy:

Demo video:


v2.0 New features and improvements:

- New button positioning system that makes it easier to configure the device.
- It is now possible to show/hide all buttons at the same time using a button on the device rack that is mappable, or through a new floating button.
- It is now possible to save device presets to create different layouts, and load them using key mapping.
- It is now possible to set negative values when positioning the button bar. To easily move the button bar in multi-monitor setups.
- Clicking buttons now returns the focus to the Live window. Except for input boxes such as Clip Gain and others similar.
- The transpose control in cents for audio clips now works the same way as in the clip editing view.
- The clip loop button now also works on MIDI clips.
- Added function to automatically reset overwritten automation when starting or stopping transport.
- Added function to automatically unfold the selected track in the arrangement view and fold the other tracks in the project (beta, read the manual).
- Added button to apply track colors to all clips. It can be applied individually or to all tracks in the project.
- Added buttons to switch between two Live color themes without having to open the Live preferences window.
- Added buttons to transpose all notes in a MIDI clip in semitones.
- Added more track send controls.
- Added button to duplicate the selected clip in the session view and automatically trigger the new duplicate clip.
- Added button that duplicates the loop of the selected MIDI clip.
- Added button to delete all envelopes of the selected clip (with limitations, read the manual).
- Added button to freeze the selected track (only for Live 12).
- Added button to fold/unfold all tracks in arrangement view.
- Added button to expand the clip editing view.
- Added button to insert an empty MIDI clip into the time selection of the arrangement view.
- Added button to open the audio/video export window.
- Added button to export the selected MIDI clip.
- Added File menu buttons (New, Open, Save, Save As).
- Added Edit menu buttons (Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Split, Consolidate).
- Compatibility with the Fancy Menu Bar device. When using the two devices together, the Fancy Menu Bar hiding/displaying system will also act on Advanced Toolbar Buttons. The same applies to Live's color theme change buttons on both devices.
- Now when you click on the device rack icon, in addition to showing the device version, it checks if an update is available. If there is, a message is displayed indicating it.
- The device has been split into two devices. One for the main bar and another that is only visible in the arrangement view.
- Updated PDF Manual.

v2.0 Bugfixes:

- Fixed bug that when Live's Zoom Display is set to anything other than 100%, the Clip Loop Switch and Clip Warping buttons sometimes display a graphical glitch when no audio clips are selected.

v1.0 Initial Release.


Live Version Used: 11.3.21
Max Version Used: 8.5.6
Date Added: May 06 2022 22:00:43
Date Last Updated: Feb 23 2024 22:44:10
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Excellent Stuff. Only one important thing missing. Midi Mapping ability please if possible.
also the midi transposition by semition would be nice addition
Enabling the mapping option for controls messes up the undo history. As far as I know, it is a limitation of Max for Live that currently has no solution. Regarding the transposition by semitones I take note for future updates.
I second the request for midi mapping. I understand that it makes undo less usable, but I crossed that bridge many moons ago. Being able to map a CC message to the Insert and Capture Scene feature would solve a workflow issue I’m running into with Touchable Pro.
looks cool
Finally got round to buying ATB and Im really disappointed. It does look great but the icons keep POPPING out of PLACE, they get really stretched randomly and never maintains its place.
@DavidSeekolaMusic - It is a problem that happens on some Mac computers but there is a device configuration procedure that fixes it. I sent you an email on October 13 at 6:40 p.m. but I did not receive a response. I am writing to you here in case the email has gone into the spam folder.

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