Comments by yossimor10

Your plug-in is excellent but there are some issues that have to be resolved:

1. Sometimes when I load a project, it loads without the song names. it shows the select a locator message instead of the actual marker name corresponded to that locator.

2. when I tried to keymap a play button I noticed that the yellow active presentation is still showing even after I let go of the keyboard. and the way to make it go away is to press again the same keymap. this makes the keymap function not work as intended.

3. When I try to MIDI map the play button it all goes worse because it's keeps on launching, again and again, the same midi message

If you could fix these problems I guarantee that this plug-in is it must have!!
great tool!
very handy and the GUI is nice also.

some features I wish were implanted.
1. organize the scenes play order
2. change the text size and color
3. make it also available to the arrangement view