Ultra Chop II Version 1.0
ULTRA CHOP II Is a simple yet complex audio sculpting device...
FLEX Pro Version 1.5
This Max4Live Device modulates parameters in Live using 4 di...
NEXT Version 1.5
NEXT is an ultra-compact Parameter Sequencer for Ableton Liv...
4096 SampleToWavetable Converter Version 0.2
This sound design tool lets you transform any sample into a ...
POLYDRIP Version 1.0
POLYDRIP is a completely mappable (MIDI) polyrhythmic euclid...
MIDI CHOP Version 1.0
MIDI CHOP is an MIDI CC generator and Live Parameter Modulat...
W.I.S.E.ino Version 1.0
W.I.S.E.ino is a an amplitude-controlled sample player. It w...
ULTRACHOP Version 1.0
ULTRACHOP is a simple yet powerful rhythmic stutter for Able...
4096 WaveTable Mouse Drawer Version 0.4
WaveTable Mouse Drawer lets you quickly draw 4096 sample-siz...
W.I.S.E. Version 1.0
W.I.S.E. (Wavetable-Integrated Sample Engine) is an experime...
TOPoSEQret Version 0.4
TOPoSEQret is a non-linear glitch sequencer inspired by topo...
Big Ghost Prototype - Standalone App Version 1.1
This device is a MacOSX software developed in MAXMSP/Gen~ th...
WTWSG Version 1.0
WTWSG\r\nis a generative, mutating, and ever-evolving wavesh...