Comments by vanKloot

FYI, link does indeed appear to be broken.
Ack, if you hit refresh after submitting a post, this site accepts a resubmission of the form POST data and creates a duplicate entry. Sorry bout that...
I'm really confused, this device is labeled as a MIDI Device but it's an audio device. I need exactly this (or really just an 8-channel would do) but for MIDI device racks. Do you have something like that? There's the 32 channel one but that's major overkill...
I'm really confused, this device is labeled as a MIDI Device but it's an audio device. I need exactly this (or really just an 8-channel would do) but for MIDI device racks. Do you have something like that? There's the 32 channel one but that's major overkill...
There is also something very odd with the playback of drumfoldr. Comparing the same sample loaded into it, vs playing as a simple clip, gives very different results.

The clip plays a solid, full-bodied drum sample. The sampler (drumfoldr) plays back a weak, thinner, and truncated sound. Not the same at all. I've got the envelope on df cranked open all the way, no filter, and velocity at 127. drumfolder sounds pretty awful by comparison actually... I'm pretty shocked and disappointed. Anyone else noticing this??

I love the functionality of this plugin but if it's drastically altering the sample content, then sadly it's not very usable. =(
Ah crap I stand corrected. Putting DrumFoldr in a group in order to macro it, results in the Filter switch and Filter Selection functions not being automatable. They appear in the Map page but with no values, so you can't set the min & max ranges at all. Drag... any chance this could be fixed?? =)
@broah - just to let you know if you haven't already found out, this does NOT work with "Smart Folders" because they are actually not folders at all. They are merely a "SavedSearch" file that the Finder can read. Drumfoldr WILL work with Aliases and even better Symlinks - which is awesome. But no dynamic folders unfortunately.

I'm working on getting exactly that to work, so that I can have an automatically updating dynamic folder of every audio file with "kick" in the name of it, that is under say 2 seconds in length. For me anyway that will do the trick nicely, if I can just find a way to make a truly dynamic folder. I'm hoping I don't have to resort to Automator or somesuch, but it may be the only way.

Oh and I second the request to raise the limit for just such an application as this.

Additionally to the developer, the plugin works for me but the menu which allows for selection of filter type (at least I think that's what it is) is empty and does nothing. Everything else appears to work.

Would love to have a reset function though like doubleclick a knob or CMD/Alt click, etc. Something to just set the param back to zero.

Great plugin tho, much needed so thanks!!
Can you explain what exactly the advantage/purpose of this vs. the "official" Circuit Editor is? I'm trying to figure out if this has some applications the official one doesn't. Thanks!