Comments by vams

Hey hi, this device is really a very useful device. This is great by the way. I would like to request you one thing that is can you please change the meter to the original Abletons meter? Bcz original ones show both peak and RMS signal in 2 different hue's of green color. so it would be very nice if u can make the meter to show both peak and RMS signal in different colors(exactly like Live's original meter. Also can you make the meter vertically large,(increase the height) so the only it reads the signal above -40 or -35db so that it makes easy to focus on the closer values, where it peaks at?

Really thankyou so much for the device.
where to find the rew filter files, ?
Every device u made is a great tool for us. Simple but very useful devices u provided us. Thank you so much for all the effort and time you put to make these devices, and providing us for free.
Every device u made is a great tool for us. Simple but very useful devices u provided us. Thank you so much for all the effort and time you put to make these devices, and providing us for free.
If this Peak Level Meter is attached to that above mentioned vu-meter, it will be really awesome. It could become a great device for Ableton Family.
Im not getting how to make custom devices in Max editor Or else I would really like to make such very much required Devices.
ummo, really thank you for this device! It would be better if you make it far more better at accuracy, Please.
Im not understanding how to edit it, but if you make it to read the rms and peak values accurately it will be really helpful... Im also using the above mentioned vu-meter from long time. i've been looking really for simple device like this Level meter, searched a lot to find such device which fit in ableton plugin rack, 1st time i found this device i was really happy. I will request u please do make it better please. someimes its really helpfull even though we use vu-meter