Comments by tagermain

Thanks for the tip. I had figured that the receive objects might be the place to start since the Max object help info explains that they are cable-less and can receive any incoming midi messages. That is where I'll start. If I can find a solution, I will let you know!
Hi Techbuzz,

Sorry I missed your update back in September. I haven't been using M4L devices for a while due to ongoing changes in my home studio, and I'm just getting back to doing so.

The sysex file you posted worked great: I first used it to update my DS Mopho x4 to the patch organization that you use. Then, I just followed your instructions within the Mophox4 Control Slim Max device to basically synch the device's patch names with the Mopho. I can now (finally - THANK YOU!) control my Mopho x4 from within Live! It's going to speed up my composing significantly.

There is one issue that I've noticed: if you have more than one instance of the Mophox4 Control Slim instantiated in Live - for example, to control more than one Mopho x4 or a Mopho x4 and the patch selection on a REV-2 - there is an issue where any changes made to one max device immediately affect the second one. Even when the Max devices are on different midi channels or if I set each external synth to a specific midi channel, the problem still happens.

Do you know of any way to basically isolate the function of one instance of your Mopho x4 Control Slim from another in Live?


Hi Techbuzz,

This Max4Live device that you created for controlling the Mopho x4 is excellent, and I can even use it to at least partially control my Rev 2. In regard to controlling the Mopho x4, however, the link that you provided for downloading your syses file is no longer valid. Would you mind providing a new link?


Thank you for creating this very useful and flexible tool! It works very well with the Prophet Rev2, and since it's scalable, you can easily expand the number of controls when needed. Great work!