Comments by stamp

Hi Stray,

Really nice device!
I've tried others but they seem to just shift the aftertouch range while yours is effectively scaling it.
I have a feature request. When you pass the set treshold you enter aftertouch but when lowering the pressure on the pad the treshold is ignored (so aftertouch is covering again the whole pressure range of the pads). That's fine if you want aftertouch only at the end of a note. But if I want to modulate aftertouch only in the middle of a note, I can't.

Can you please insert the option to change this behaviour?

Hi Techbuzz,
thank you for your help and your suggestions but at the end I found this
It does all I asked for. It's easy to use and it does a patch-dump everytime you change patch so everything is in sync. And the price is fair, too. Only 10 euro.
Of course Ableton got in my way with the 128 parameter.
So I paired it with one of hyakken's fantastic sequencers (16x6).
Back to music now!

Good luck!

Ok. Fair enough! So the sequencer could be done.
I'll try dissecting the 16 macros device tonight.
I know nearly nothing about max but I'll try.
I love my push and i love my love mopho... Let's fuse them together!

I'll report back!
Ok. Fair enough! So the sequencer could be done.
I'll try dissecting the 16 macros device tonight.
I know nearly nothing about max but I'll try.
I love my push and i love my love mopho... Let's fuse them together!

I'll report back!
Ok. I managed to expose everything. No drop-down menus of course.
How about changing the drop-downs into knobs. Knobs are mappable and you don't have to stick with numbers for the values ( look at osc-shape). Or I could simply look at mopho's display to see the value.
Not ideal but at least mouseless.
Your help is highly appreciated!

Hell! You're right. My fault.
Usefull info here. I'll try your suggestion and report back here if I discover something usefull. Looking at the logic of the parameters page I have a feeling that what I want can be done. Let's try! ( first time I'm going to edit a maxpatch)
Do you think there's a way to add the steps of the sequencers to the list?

Thank you!
I"m using it with a mopho desktop so hope it could be done! Thanks!
Hi Techbuzz,
First of all... Thank you!!! This device is great!
Would you be so kind to make everything mappable (drop-down menus and stepvalues included)?
And push-friendly, if possible(maybe exposing the same text that appears on the unit itself on the push screen. Look at this )?
Would be lovely to control the mopho from push!

Oh oh oh...I forgot! A hold function for acidlovers like me would invaluable!

Thank for your work!!
i like the concept. I hope you're going to expand on this somehow. Make it 32 (or even 64) steps and add a row for cc/parameter control and this is a monster sequencer. I would pay for it!
Add presets that start playing in legato or not (for example using the shift button when you want legato) and you are my new God!
I know nothing about max-programming so I hope you're listening.

Very nice! Thank you!
I noticed a bug: every time you try to cap a device that is already selected it will cap all the devices in the track. It works only if you cap a device that is not selected. Could this be fixed!