Comments by shodty

Got it! Old habits die hard haha, I'm so used to using a combination of mouse and keyboard together that I overlooked this. Thanks for the quick response, I'll map it to some keys!
As I fool around with this a little more, I think I've spotted the problem. it seems to that the UI for the device is getting stuck on that button and not letting go until its pressed again. So after pressing the button, BiPing it with whatever feature, if I go back to the device, no matter where I click, it just tries to repeat the same action that was done previously. After pressing it a second time, then it frees up and lets you choose a different option.
Hey Crampe, I just purchased this but I am experiencing some glitchiness with the different buttons. If I try to use the BOUNCE feature after having used RESAMPLE feature, it will instead just RESAMPLE again. I have to stop it and press BOUNCE a second time for it to properly use the Post-FX bounce of a track and not Resampling. Same is true for the Resample Master track, it will often try to bounce or do whatever the previous command was. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Thanks, shodty