Comments by ronnymonte

Awesome device!

Probem for me is, it looses its state whenever I reload the project or drag it from one track to another.

I'm on Live 11 Suite on Mac and have all my 3rd party devices in an external folder, but in Live's shortcut list.

Help would be greatly appreciated.
I would really like to see a demo of the full version on Youtube.
Stunning device that saves so much time by removing the need for routing and moving files. Excellent!
Just came here to vote for this device. This thing is nuts! And when put in an instrument rack with each of its controls bound to macros, this becomes an infinite lush sound generator.

My new Ambient go-to plugin! Thank you for sharing this for free!
5 years of support. Great sense of responsibility pechmannj, I hope you are fine! Having read mbreeson's post I guess I should avoid this plugin, since it can mess up projects? That would be a real bummer.

Best regards!
Hi, this looks really interesting. But in case I want to create my own wavetable, I find it a little cumbersome having to create it somewhere else to be loaded afterwards. Is there a chance you might add some drawing or envelope-like point-to-point functionality?
