Comments by robse

Hello Piet,

much appreciated! Thank you for the detailed explanation. I have set up everything again and it is still not working (Total Recall).

I think it is a problem with the Sysex, either the NL2X is buggy or the Steinberg UR 22 Interface causes the issue or something is wrong with M4L.

I watched the Sysex Out LED in the bridge, it flashes a splitsecond when reopening the project and sounds are random. Either nothing is changed but a program change is done, or it changes parts of the sound only, not all parameters.

I think I have to investigate at another place (Midi Sysex in Ableton, Midi & Steinberg and the Synthesizer itself).

As I have only a few days left to decide if I give the NL2X back, it may happen that I will continue using VSTs only. This would be a bit sad, as the NL2X is awesome sounding compared to the Discover DSP, which I own and which is still good. The good news would be, that I will save a lot of money not buying the NL2X and a new Steinberg Interface with 4 Ins.

I would like to say that your Max Device is awesome. It is the perfect integration into Ableton and no matter if I will use it or not, many thanks for this great gift you give to other musicians!

Best wishes,


Thanks a Million for your fast reply! Double clicking on the maxpat files is something I can perfectly live with for sure.

But now I have tried a second time and still don't get it running with "total recall".

I have opened a project with 3 tracks only:

1. Drum Rack
2. nl2x remote out to midi channel 1 / activated slot A
3. nl2x remote out to midi channel 2 / activated slot B

On the Nordlead 2X I have set "globally" that Slot A is on Midi channel 1, Slot B on 2, Slot C on 3 and Slot D on 4 - global Midi channel 16

The 4 Mono outputs are connected to the 4 slots, like I was playing 4 non stereo synths. This way I can use Push2 perfectly with the Mixer for instance.

I have also changed Performance A1 to have the same settings for Midi & Audio and then I tested with both: Perfomance Mode on & Performance Mode off.

In the beginning I changed sound, played a bit and saved. Opened another project, changed NL2x sounds and went back to the test project.

What happened then was random: One sound was there, the other one was not the one I have created before. Then a second time: No sound changes were stored. As I said, I did that with Performance Mode on & off.

I noticed that sometimes I was not able to switch a button on the NL2x at all. Then I played around in the editor and it worked again. This looks like the Midi message did not get handled correctly.

If you see something I am doing wrong or if you have any advice how to set up correctly (4 synths on 4 outs, no layering), that would be great. Maybe I should try other Midi cables too.

BTW, I noticed that this is for free and still it is the only one with the perfect concept for Ableton & Push! I really hope I get it running, because it would just be great!


Thanks a Million for your fast reply! Double clicking on the maxpat files is something I can perfectly live with for sure.

But now I have tried a second time and still don't get it running with "total recall".

I have opened a project with 3 tracks only:

1. Drum Rack
2. nl2x remote out to midi channel 1 / activated slot A
3. nl2x remote out to midi channel 2 / activated slot B

On the Nordlead 2X I have set "globally" that Slot A is on Midi channel 1, Slot B on 2, Slot C on 3 and Slot D on 4 - global Midi channel 16

The 4 Mono outputs are connected to the 4 slots, like I was playing 4 non stereo synths. This way I can use Push2 perfectly with the Mixer for instance.

I have also changed Performance A1 to have the same settings for Midi & Audio and then I tested with both: Perfomance Mode on & Performance Mode off.

In the beginning I changed sound, played a bit and saved. Opened another project, changed NL2x sounds and went back to the test project.

What happened then was random: One sound was there, the other one was not the one I have created before. Then a second time: No sound changes were stored. As I said, I did that with Performance Mode on & off.

I noticed that sometimes I was not able to switch a button on the NL2x at all. Then I played around in the editor and it worked again. This looks like the Midi message did not get handled correctly.

If you see something I am doing wrong or if you have any advice how to set up correctly (4 synths on 4 outs, no layering), that would be great. Maybe I should try other Midi cables too.

BTW, I noticed that this is for free and still it is the only one with the perfect concept for Ableton & Push! I really hope I get it running, because it would just be great!


installed today and I have a question and a problem:

I have Max4Live 7.2.4 running, and I was not successful to run the sysex bridge without installing an older runtime (6.1). Before installing the older runtime I have tried without and got a message I should authorize M4L in Ableton by editing a device. Although I clicked on "edit" on the NL2xRemote Device, this has not changed.

I only get the bridge running by starting the runtime, loading the bridge and configuring in & out. In addition, I could not save this and need to do this every time. What am I doing wrong? Is it possible to set this up in a way without starting and configuring things before I run Ableton?

The problem I have is that I need to load a Live Set 2 times until the changed patches get transferred. Today I reboot the PC an switched everything off about 10x. Each time it is the same:

1. Start the runtime
2. Load sysex bridge
3. Configure midi
4. Start Ableton
5. Load Live Set - has the sounds from the NL
6. Load Live Set again - has the sounds from the live set

As so many people are happy with this Max device, it must be a mistake I am doing on my side. I have about a week left to decide if I will keep the NL2x or give it back. Having such a hick up when using it, will make it useless for me.

Hope anyone has any idea what I can do to get it running in a good way.
