Comments by robTech

@DrZ: No, this is not the intention of MicroTuner; you have to use a synth that supports microtonal scales - I think that is what you want.
best regards Rob
@mrmuzzi / Marco: thanks; you're absolutely right! A fixed version will be provided soon!
cheers Rob
Hi Lars,

you always have to make sure also that the synth actually reacts to Pitchbend Messages in the same amount as specified in MicroTuners PB Range (for example 12 semitones). If the pitchbend sensitivity of the synth is Zero, nothing will, happen (even if you change MicroTuners PB Range) ... ;-)

Hi phlipsky,

the only reason why Massive does not respond to microtuner is, that in massive the pitchbend sensivity is set to 0. As microtuner does nothing else than sending out pitchbend messages, this could be the reason.
Pls let me know if this helps!
Hi guarachiguaro,
the overloading is somehow part of this device; it's for making NOISE (in the real sense and also in the sense of the genre) and in my opinion experimenting with the area far above 0 dB is not uninteresting. Put some other FX behind it (the crazier the better, you find alot here) and listen what happens ;-) But thanks for mentioning!

btw: far over 3000 downloads in the meantime; what are you doing with this thing, guys???
Cheers Rob

Another comment for guarachiguaro: I found it's best to place the noisedrone 2.amxd file directly under presets/instruments/maxinstrument, not in a subfolder; otherwise things can get messed. (presets folder can stay in its place) Please let me know if it works for you; I'm still learning ;-)
Hi guarachiguaro,

perhaps you got confused between the device presets (included in the zip file) and the preset system of the device (right section of the device) - same expression for two different things, sorry; let me explain the difference:

The provided presets of the zip file can be loaded by double-clicking one of the files with the extension .adv; these can be seen within Live's browser (under categories navigate to presets/instruments/maxinstrument, open the branch under noisedrone 2, here you see the preset files. double-clicking brings it into the selected track. If the device is already loaded, drag the .adv file to the title bar of the device, then you here the new preset.

The preset system of the device (bubbles area on the right side) is a different thing: here, you can store various parameter settings within one instance of the device by Shift-click one of the bubbles and restore one by single-click the bubble (or automating the preset number) - so you can switch immediately between various sounds. Load and save buttons here save the complete set of 30 parameter sets, but this has nothing to with the .adv preset files (therefore you haven't seen the presets in the load dialog, as the file extension is different).
I hope I could clarify it and you can enjoy the crazy sounds of this things now ;-)

Cheers, Rob
Hi guarachiguaro,

perhaps you got confused between the device presets (included in the zip file) and the preset system of the device (right section of the device) - same expression for two different things, sorry; let me explain the difference:

The provided presets of the zip file can be loaded by double-clicking one of the files with the extension .adv; these can be seen within Live's browser (under categories navigate to presets/instruments/maxinstrument, open the branch under noisedrone 2, here you see the preset files. double-clicking brings it into the selected track. If the device is already loaded, drag the .adv file to the title bar of the device, then you here the new preset.

The preset system of the device (bubbles area on the right side) is a different thing: here, you can store various parameter settings within one instance of the device by Shift-click one of the bubbles and restore one by single-click the bubble (or automating the preset number) - so you can switch immediately between various sounds. Load and save buttons here save the complete set of 30 parameter sets, but this has nothing to with the .adv preset files (therefore you haven't seen the presets in the load dialog, as the file extension is different).
I hope I could clarify it and you can enjoy the crazy sounds of this things now ;-)

Cheers, Rob
Hi Robert,

did you copy the device (the file MICROTUNER 2.2.amxd) to the User Library Folder (and here in the Folder for Max MIDI Effects) of Ableton Live (e.g. Ableton\User Library\Presets\MIDI Effects\Max MIDI Effect)? If the device file is there, it should show up in Live's Browser.

HTH, cheers
Hi Robert,

did you copy the device (the file MICROTUNER 2.2.amxd) to the User Library Folder (and here in the Folder for Max MIDI Effects) of Ableton Live (e.g. Ableton\User Library\Presets\MIDI Effects\Max MIDI Effect)? If the device file is there, it should show up in Live's Browser.

HTH, cheers
Just uploaded again; has been an older version before (without preset system and tempo sync) by mistake. Now it should be ok.
...but don't forget: this device IS for incredible loud and weird sounds ;-)
@verstaerker: just softened the initial preset; please let me know if it works now for you. thx for the feedback! Cheers Rob
Great you did this! I just wanted to do this exactly for the same purpose (to "play" Live's Resonator by MIDI) - now I saved the time and can build other nice MAX stuff ;-)
Cheers, Rob
@neonBreath: nice to hear you like it! If you play around for some time you can get it some more predictable; e.g. low Settings of ### to 1 Hz or below often causes a pulsing sound at the given speed; but I think the general unpredictability is the fun factor of this. Cheers, Rob
Hi Moonrow,
does your instrument support PitchBend messages? Then MicroTuner should work (as it does the shifting by a defined pitchbend message); set PB range in Microtuner to the same value as the Pitchbend sensitivity of the Instrument, otherwise the calculation would be wrong.
HTH, cheers Rob