Comments by pyrolator

I am a proud owner of one of this orginal Roland Space-Chorus (RE-501) and I am using it for 30 years now. But: I don´t want to use it live anymore - too many problems with tapes, humidity and so on.
THIS dub-machines is the first plugin (and I tested and used a lot) which is replacing my Roland.
Every Euro is spend well on this device, congratulations to "Surreal Machines", they did it!
API-style-10-band-EQ with a compressor for each band. Same same but different: like "der dr?cker" ( only this time a more transient influencing tool for a more snappy sound.
API-style-10-band-EQ with a compressor for each band. Same same but different: like "der dr?cker" ( only this time a more transient influencing tool...
I tried my best, but my edits on the description and a screenshot are not stored......
I was asked if there is a possibility to make some additions to this sequenzer, that it also can send controller-data to external Midi-Sequencers or Synthesizers.
Well here it is:

If you put this object in front of the 3X Parameter Sequencer, you also can assign the 3 sequences to the "soundwave-ext-contr"-plugin and send from there Midi-Controller-Data. You just have to open another Midi-channel within Ableton Live and make this the Midi-input and choose as Midi-Output any Interface which is connected.