Comments by pvdn

Thanks for the input, i will put those items on my list!
Ah, I knew the Metropolis was based on another one but not that there were many available as M4L device already. I just saw the Metropolis and wanted some of that functionality in Ableton.
You can route the notes to another track and record them there. Just add a midi-track and select the one with the Metroposec as input.

(that's how you'd have to do it with every midi-generator in ableton)
This is a very early release at the moment. The note-offsets do nothing, and notes are only generated on the exact beats (the ones you select in the sync menu), so not related to when a key is pressed. Works well with a chord generator in front of it, for example the Schwarzonator.

Very cool device! I have some questions though:

- I can't get all notes to play, there always seems to be some random skipping involved, am i overlooking something? I have set all velocities to normal values, i have everything on the right of the edit panel turned off, i have the rest probability set to 0%

- What exactly does the 'Chg. Int.' do? I see (or think i see) that the 'Chg. Prob.' sets the chance to change the interval, but i don't get the function of 'Chg. Int.'

- It would be very nice if the random has a range (a low and high setting) between which to randomize.

I'm using this device with my Nord Rack 2 and it seems to be working. However, i don't see changes i make on my Nord (for example, turning the filter-freq) reflected in the device, is that how it's supposed to be?

What i want is:
- be able to save patches outside of the synth (since mine can hold only 40 userpatches). This seems to work with this device.
- be able to save selected patches in an ableton track, so i can load a track and start immediately. I think this is how the device works, can you clarify on this? How does it work exactly, are the stored patches shared when i use the device in separate tracks?