Comments by omarijazz

**also for context I don't really use sends hahah
Thanks for getting back so quick! my bad, I think i explained it incorrectly ha!

I'm wondering if its possible for BIP to use the Post-Mixer option that you'd usually select after choosing your input type from the i/o dropdown menu. I'd like for the newly routed track to record the track volume slider position & track fx but not any master fx.

also if the above is possible - I was thinking that when BIP is triggered, instead of soloing the selected track so it sends to the resample channel, it would arm the new track but turn off the track activator so it records while you listen/make contextual changes. (if this is an entirely different idea than BIP then plz pay me no mind hahah)

Either way i'll be using this!!
Hi - Love this device!

The Post-Mixer option curiously never gets routed for me - its been either Resampling or Post-FX. Am I missing a step there? I have the postmixer option mapped to 6 on my keyboard.

Also, would you consider an update where it creates a muted resample track? Would be cool to hear things in context while resampling so I could perform some live automation.

Keep up the amazing work