Comments by niekjmeijer

Hey Krito

Thank you for the updates! I totally forgot about this thread.. I'm gonna try the updated version in my live set soon and let you know about the odd-meter stuff. :)

With automate during the whole set I mean automating the 'sequencer state' throughout the arrangement.
After some troubleshooting I found that it messes up the quantisation grid, probably because of tempo-changes in my set. I deleted the device and put it back with just one track (it automates only in one tempo (4/4 114 BPM) and then it seems to have found the right grid again..
Before I used one looper throughout the whole set for one instrument-group (drums for example), I tried to map the 'clear' button every time a song or the BPM changes. But this didn't seem to work.. That's a pity, because tempi might change during songs. ;)

Hey Krito,

Been using your looper with pleasure in my arrangement view live set. Love it! The only thing which doesn't seem to work properly a lot of times is the quantisation (so I put it off sometimes unfortunately..). It seems to make little hick-ups in timing, some 16th are delayed, one 16th note.. Also, it doesn't seem to work in odd meters, like 6/4, it starts shuffling then (kinda funny, but not what I need haha)..
Maybe something to check :)

The best,