Comments by monohusche

ok, parameter assignments are now properly stored in a live set. enjoy...

thx for letting me know, I will check it out once I have got the time (too many ideas in my head, no time :-/

Regarding the bonk~ issue above, I am pretty sure it is somehow related to the platform differences. unfortunately, I don't have a pc, and can't test it. If the audio version is not working for you in terms of beat detection, you might want to check out the MIDI version which reacts on notes (I know, it's not the same :-/

The second message doesn't matter and is not related.
not sure about the launch pad, I heard from others that they didn't receive button presses from it. I uploaded a slightly modified version with debug output to the monome forum (, so use that and have look what the launch pad actually sends.

hey andreas,

pls see the new update which has some bugs fixed, is stereo and allows to have some fun with filter placement.
