Comments by mikerez

Hey cheers guys, I have just finished my Volca Bass device, it controls all the MIDI parameters PLUS Ive added a few performance functions I think you will like.

As im learning M4L im thinking of new and different things to add to these devices to make them more fun, creative and easy to use.

Its donation only (yeah booo!) but its only £1, but I need funds for the Volca Keys. Plus if you donate I will send any funders the Volca Keys device plus future updates for free :)

Thanks for your support,
Hello guys yesh i will be doing a Volca Bass and Keys when i get ahold of the physical units. my supplier is out of stock so i have to wait, i like to test anything i make with the real instrument before uploading it so please hang tight and ill get on it as soon as my Keys and Bass come.

The Keys job by Nerk2 is a great job, god one bro! :)
Hi yeah i will do when the store gets some in stock still waiting at the minute :/