Comments by macrostructure

updated for Max 5.1.8 and Live 8.2.2
This has been updated to work with 8.2.2 and 5.1.8 plus now saves on off state of LFO correctly and starts automatically on load if saved in the 'on' state.
This has been updated for the new track/device/parameter choosers in 8.2.2 and 5.1.8 so you now have access to all return track parameters and parameters in racks etc etc
v1.01 - somewhat better

1. doesn't freeze
2. doesn't take the wrong start value to the next parameter, apparently at random, good 'ole max
v1.12 more...

1. device didn't always load with correct action e.g. lof off but free on would sometimes give a running lfo on loading the live set
v1.11 a couple of bugfixes:

1. Crosstalk between instances eliminated
2. First preset's boxes hard to select
Yup, I am also getting the problem with the second menu not populating for Macro knobs.

Actually I am getting very weirds behaviour. When I first instantiate the plug in Live it will populate the second menu but with the wrong data. Thereafter it will not change that data regardless of content of first menu. also the second menu items are not the gui names but the live.button/live.numbox codes etc.

When I use the device 'locked' in the patcher window it works fine.

Would be so cool to get this fixed....I am new to Max and M4L so my chances are slim....