Comments by jmx

Thank you for the update, now everything works as expected.

Meanwhile, I have started to add support for the 14 bit high resolution CCs for Filter Cutoff and the like. Once I've overcome last issues, I'd like to give my changes back to you as a kind of appreciation to the work you have done so far. Are you interested?
Hey bitbot, thank you for your work!

I just discovered your device, when I was myself halfway through creating my own Slim Phatty software panel.

But, I am missing the "send patch" buttons throughout. Have you changed something that isn't mentioned in the comments? Reading them from start to finish and looking on the attached screenshot, I was expecting to find them across each section. But, there is none of them here.

I'm on Live 9.0.2 / Max 6.1.1. Could this be the cause?