Comments by jeshl

I wish there were a guide to help me set it up. Step by step. I am routing it through the MX-1 and I am not sure with that extra step if it would still work as intended. I have heard, and read many great things about this so I am anxious to try it out!
First time I opened it, it froze my project kind of. I could adjust some parameters in the device, but could change nothing in the live set, including cutting the channel the device was on. It was in there with a live pack called Angelicals, which is an Ableton analog synth preset pack. It froze everything up to the point that I had to start over. So I am heading back in.
really spot on idea. How hard would it be to make this device modulate randomly WHILE playing instead of when stopped? perhaps have a setting to speed up or slow down the overall speed of mods.