Comments by iloyd

Spending more time with it, many great ideas in it! But have a small issue with Swing (at 1/16). At value 25% tt sounds great realtime but sounds broken when rendered or frozen. Maybe an issue on the Max side.
Great job!

So many arp/seq devices (even those from Ableton) are buggy.. Thanks for fixing this one and making it better!

Still working for me with Live 9.7.2 and Max 7.3.3. Try deleting it from project and add again?
Couldn't extract the zip file on Mac using default OSX Archive Utility. Had to use stuffit.

Other than that, great device!
A mode to be able to trigger it when the song is not playing would be great, though.
Awesome! And one of the most stable m4l arpeggiator/sequencer I have.