Comments by hzd

Hi there.

Very nice and intuitive (I think :) )

But I have found one issue.

I want change the pitch of one of the keys with an lfo. So I mapped the CV LFO of the CV tools to the pitch and tuned it so I see the pitch on the euclidian seq change between D4 and D#4 but the pitch sent out to the vst synth isn’t the same. It is C#4 and D4 and it doesn’t change in sync with what is represented on the screen.
I then tried grouping the euclidian seq so I could map macro controls to the pitch and the change those with the LFO but it is the same behaviour. Also when I move the macro ctr manually.

It seems to me, like the mapping affects the midi information first and the visual representation on the gui of the sequencer is an approximation of this. Instead of the mapping affecting the gui wich then tells the sequencer what pitch to trigger.