Comments by humanize

i've tested the latest update on a couple of PCs and it seems to be working fine here. if anyone still has issues and can answer the following q's that'd help me:
- what platform?
- does the demo song work? do you see/hear different behaviour for the different settings clips in the first channel?
- does the settings plugin show one graph column + one settings row per player plugin that you have loaded?
- if you delete the settings plugin and then hit undo, does that fix it?
@bwrobinett thanks for that interesting link btw.

i'm interested in how wind/vocal/string players naturally adapt their pitch towards making simple ratios with other player's pitches, i think this relates to that somehow.

(thinking aloud, i think a humaniser-like feedback/correction algorithm, when applied to pitch, would generate both the kind of statistical results in that paper and the natural stretching of the tuning system towards simple ratios. implementing it is beyond me though, sadly)

you might find 'hermode tuning' (i think some softsynths/samplers support it - kontakt maybe does?) interesting in terms of a more human style of pitching.