Comments by dasfaker

Thanks for your words, dude! There's no need to donate, just did it for my workflow and shared it. I'm glad you find it useful.

There are still some unresolved issues, but my M4L knowledge is far from being good.
Hi Rhinofeross.

As stated in the info, this device is ready for Roland XP/JV synths.

Did you updated the Request sysex messages for your synth? If not, you will need to edit the device and change the Request messages to fit your synth.
Hi Martin
I don't know what cause your issue. Are you sure the data is not reaching the synth? Is your synth able to receive the sysex dump? Are you using a Roland JV-XP synth? So many unknowns.
None, but you can, for example, automate the range
Hi st235

I had the same problem; automap control works fine, but when you midi learn the dial it has this strange behaviour.

It can be solved by turning Take-over Mode in Preferences to None.

btw, thx to Vayner for this wonderful device.