Comments by cparadisi

Mapped the Octave control to a macro and it works in reverse--turning it up decreases the octave and turning it down increases the octave.
Site's down. Curious to try this...
Just picked this one up. Can't wait to play.
Thanks. I haven't done any M4L coding at this point, but now is a good a time as any to start.

I appreciate you taking the time to post that tutorial. I'll definitely give it a go.

Game, meet changer!

I've been wanting to get more hands on with Push, turning to the computer/mouse much less often. One of the things I had been wishing for was a way to assign LFOs without having to use the mouse!

Using it so far has been pretty great!

Thank you!
Ooh, I'd love Push integration. How would one do that ScruffyFox?
The demo shows "not for sale".
Great. Thanks.
I'm running 1.0.2 in Live 11 on Windows and seqmperor is not saving its state when I save my Ableton set. When I reopen the set seqemperor is back to its initial state. Is this what it means on the website where it says the "preset section is not yet available"?
Is this a new version. I purchased back in June and am wondering if I need to redownload. There doesn't seem to be a version number that I can see on the device itself.
I'd be curious to hear a demo.
After working with it for a while, my one request for improvement would be some sort of visual feedback on the Push to communicate which lanes are On/Off. I'd say dimming the appropriate Scene Launch button.
Got it working now. Really enjoying playing with it on the Push 2.
Very cool. I have it loaded and it's Active on Push 2. I can change all the parameters and the lights are moving...

But it doesn't seem to be passing any midi to the instrument(s). No sound whatsoever.

What am I missing?
A deceptively simple device that hides some complex melodic and rhythmic possibilities within. Very nice!
Man, would love this for Windows... :(
I've been looking for a while to find a good M4L sequencer that would allow for a variety of applications and uses, and so far this has fit the bill the best. (It helps that there's really good documentation and tutorial videos.)

Part of what I really like about it is that it works really well in 'set it and forget it' mode but then has some really granular controls that allow it to really be played as an instrument in a live performance setting.

The one feature that would take this to the next level for me would be ratcheting.

Kudos to Manifest Audio for this device!