Comments by cjadams

There isn’t a way to edit so.. here - The main product page - This should inspire you - i love what you started here but adding in the options here would be totally amazing!
I would love you to add on stuff like this into your arp: Arpology has been my go to arp for ages now.. nothing is as flex-able. But sadly it’s trapped inside kontakt!!!! grrrrrrrr!

See this screenshot:
i didn't see any way to get in touch with you... would it be possible to for revoke make a similar device for sending cc data from track to track... or while midi day for that matter..i tend to use things like breath controllers and such and the scales device sex but i can't send it to tracks that are set at the device levelnot using "all ins" for example... if love to create one "breath control in" track and then use the same setup as the sender / receiver to send that data to all my other tracks.
Is there a way to midi map this button? That seems to be needed.. or does it intercept normal sustain pedal?