Comments by cblomert

Hi everyone,
first of all: theres going to be a dedicated app for the ipad, can't tell an exact date - but it's on the way :)

@Chrim: pads will make a return, on ipad aswell as on iphone.

@tellef: look at the network.png provided, it should clear up the ports issues. only important part is that the ports on phone and m4l device match.

@helloworld77: That's because live reports values back to Touchcontrol , which it doesn't when using osculator. Each time you move the fader on touchcontrol a package is initiated to be sent to the computer with the new value - from there the valuechange gets recognized and sent back to the phone. So it goes 2-ways. It's made so that the device also shows changes you do in live.
if you have an unstable / bad wifi connection this can make the faders jumpy etc.
I'd try and use a direct AdHoc connection to your laptop (create new network on MacOSX) - let me know how that worked out :)

and now.. back to coding on the ipad version ;)

It should work with every kind of ip range:
The input fields are more like commands that you can send to the m4l device - the message is only sent once after hitting the "Start" button though and the input fields are reset on device-reload. Means: you have to put in your own ip everytime you load the device - and then press "Start" to have the device work with these values.

You could also hardcode your own ip values into the device with a small change:
Open m4l device, unfreeze, enter patching mode
Change the ip & port written in the input fields to your own, then change ip and port after "udpsend" and "udpreceive 8000" to match your own - save the device and reload it. You should now be able to just load the device, press start and have it working :-)

let me know how it worked out!

@ Al
Scenebuttons incoming, expect a mail tonight or tomorrow with some progress :-)


Hey guys, thanks for all your comments and your feedback :)

The newest update should fix most issues that were present in the old version, so to all the people that had problems: Feel free to try again! :-)

@S4racen: I'll make a video in the next few days and add the link to the description! You can also add more pages to the layout with X/Y pads for example and have Osculator or similiar software on windows listen to port 8003 to translate the OSC to midi messages.

@Jannis: a step sequencer is the next item on my to do list :D

@verstaerker: could you try the newest version?

@Rics: You have to press the "Shift" Button at the same time as the stop all button, to make sure people don't press it accidently while navigating the grid.
The Shift button also turns the S / C Buttons into stop buttons for that particular track.

If you have any kind of feedback / critics or feature wishes etc - feel free to contact me via email: - always appreciated :-)
