Comments by c016smith

Oops, sorry commented on wrong thread (lots of windows open). :) I am referring to the DialToProgramChange.... I'll go over there now. ;)

This is great! Is there another plug-in that can isolate a single CC value and control that, through a Dial?

This system works great to rotate through the Presets on some of my VSTs and even one of my external synths, but I'd like to pick a CC value like #11 and be able to manually roll a pot to the value of my choosing, 0-127 (or customizable if a smaller range) for individual effects such as Reverb, or whatever else the external device will accept over MIDI.

Right now the only way I can do it is in Ableton through Automation clips, not realtime dial.

Thanks, if anyone knows what I'm looking for a way to adjust this plug-in to accomplish my goal (I'm not a Max programmer At Allll, btw). :)
