Comments by bitbot

In your Slim System Menu, is Local Control set to on?

The instructions say to turn Local Control off when using the M4L device, because otherwise a signal feedback loop happens. But, once you're no longer using the M4L device, you need to turn Local Control back on if you want your front panel knobs to affect the analog synth engine.

Did that fix it? If not, let's discuss over Twitter DM or gChat where we can get more wordy and keep the device thread on topic.
Hi benway; thanks for checking out the device. Unfortunately, I believe the behavior you are describing is noted in known issue #2 of the device description:

"There is not currently a way to pull a patch from the hardware into the software without touching/refreshing every knob/parameter. Moog would have to implement a function to push the patch via MIDI based on a LCD menu option or a MIDI trigger. If they do this, I'll happily implement a 'receive patch' button."

There is no way I'm aware of that I can support this feature without work on Moog's end of the MIDI interface, and that seems all the more unlikely now that the Slim has been discontinued. Maybe some day I'll buff up my skills or some NPRN/SysEx magic will happen in Max that allows this. As always, if anyone has any ideas on this, feel free to post a comment here. I'm no longer on Facebook but you can find me at @fracturetrey on Twitter.
Sounds great jmx; I've been too busy recently to do any serious tweaking on this device. I'm glad you find it useful so far, and let me know if you come up with anything!
Hmm, I have re-uploaded the device. Thanks for the heads up; try now please. And for what it's worth, this is now tested as working in Live 9.0.2 x64 with Max 6.1.
Updated this device tonight due to some user feedback. Most importantly, the patch stored in the software will be pushed out to the hardware on device load. Also, a few bugs were fixed, a couple of things are now done more efficiently, and you can also push any section's values or the whole patch out to the hardware on demand via some push buttons in the UI.

Another UI update probably on the way to make things look pretty, and some more use case testing around Ableton's "hot swap" feature.
Yep, same here. I would approach this again if someone figures out or can link to a known-good setup for getting SysEx in and out of Ableton, otherwise I suspect there are others better suited to the job than myself. We'd need some collaboration also from the Moog team as far as I can tell, at least in getting a firmware feature that initiates SysEx preset/bank dumps based on MIDI or SysEx triggers... Storing patch data would be much better without having to manually trigger it via the hardware console/LCD. I never got any replies to my post asking about some of the non-functioning CC's:
Sure, I'm open to that =] Find me on Facebook at and we'll chat.