Comments by beatskk


this is a great device. I would like to make an edit that goes from right to left. so for example a clip in track one would be triggered by a clip in track two. would that be easy to do?
Hi negotiator,

This is officially my favourite m4l device, hands down.

I've set it up to interact with a small devices of my own. Works great, so I thought I'd let you know what i'm doing, in case you want to incorporate it in your device.

Basically it's just a quantize device so I can reset values "on beat", which is pretty sweet when dj'ing. It enables me to mash up all the values, press reset and on the next bar the signal is clean (actually, a 32th before the 1 beat, to ensure that the "punch" isn't swallowed).

i also had an idea to have a small fader next to each dial, center should be linear value, left should be slow ramp exponential, right for fast ramp values. hope this makes sense.

The scale object can do the slow ramp easily, but needs some fiddeling to do fast ramp. Alternatively there is a great simple external called mapper:

just some ideas, keep up the great work.

works now
ok, i got three. when mapping, it would be convenient if i could just pick a rack, and then automatically map to the 8 macros. being able to edit the presets rather than remapping them would be nice. vayners clipmapper has 8 mapable buttons below the dials, which i kinda liked.
well, perfect for now :-) i'll be sure to post any ideas i come up with.
PERFECT! bi-directional mapping ftw.
my mistake, it works beautifully with all rack types. however, i doesn't save with my song, is that a bug?
do you have an midi track version? this one doesnt seem to work with instrument racks. great plugin though.
i understand that darren is in music mode these days, good for him. would anyone, who has this up and running, care to give a step by step tutorial please? also, is this different from the "dj edition"? if so where can i get it?
