Comments by bbedar

I really love this device. It almost does exactly what I need it to. What I am trying to achieve is the ability to move my chord progressions through some standards:

Down 1 step
Up 1 step
Up to the 4th
Up to the 5th

I am a total n00b to max4live, and not very proficient at programming. What I want to do is set 4 mappable (on) buttons like you have here, but each one will bring the progression to a different root note position. My sets are complicated with a lot of tracks, so they're pretty much all mixed down to audio, or this would probably be easier using a pitch shifter.

So far this is the closest I've come to finding a max4live device that will do what I want it to. Maybe you could help me design a device that does this I, IV, V jazz standard pitch jump I'm looking for.