Comments by bauhausprojekt

hey davide!
thanks for the awesome work.

Probably you can help me with this: I am currently looking desperatly for a method to avoid sending CC values to my clip when I record automation via my Arturia Keylab. i just want to control the "virtual" knobs and faders of a custom M4L patch.
So everytime i record the CC automation is recorded into the clip (under envelope section) as well as into the patch. Unfortuantely the "clip automation" is ruling the patch automation out. So right now the patch is completly useless.
As your device somehow gives a solution to this, i wanted to kindly ask, if you can give me a hint how to bypass the CC values sent to the envelope section to use the KeyLab to ONLY control the M4L patch. As I am a M4L newbie I am really stuck on this.
thanks in advance and looking forward to hear from you!