Comments by bagnolessa

Hi, sorry for the late reply, I haven't been around here for months.

It's pretty simple, you can find the way to do it in every midi manual from CB pedal.

I quote from the manual: "every pedal is set to MIDI channel 2 by default, but it is easy to change if you need to. If you want to change it, simply hold down both stomp switches when you provide power to the pedal (hold down both stomp switches simultaneously, provide power and then you can let go). The pedal is now looking for the first “Program Change” message it sees, and
it will set itself to whatever channel it gets that first message from, permanently (until you change it again, of course)."

Hope it helps.
Hi, sorry for the late reply, I haven't been around here for months.
I don't own the Meris VLX pedal, so it would be difficult for me to be able to test if I'm doing it right or not.
I've got the same problem as described by Szekelyisz, but I'm using a Novation Launchcontrol.

The only workaround I've found is to change the takeover mode in Ableton midi preferences: instead of "pickup", you have to choose "none" or "value scaling". The latency is gone.
Unfortunately doing so, if you haven't got continuos encoders, you are going to mess up easily all your previous parameters.

Your point about a midi feedback loop could be right; I tried to mess around a bit opening the patch, but I'm not that good to debug it.