Comments by asteriskVT

07/15/24 - fixed the UI so it will work with all Ableton themes, fixed the output gain staging, cleaned up the interface.
07/15/24 - fixed the UI so that it will work with all Ableton themes, changed the default density & hold times. fixed the gain staging on the output. added a new "oscbank" feature for an extra twist. 
07/15/24 - fixed UI to work with all Ableton themes, added 2nd octave higher option, rearranged octave buttons to make more sense. fixed gain staging on the output. 
07/15/24 - fixed the UI to work with all Ableton themes, added independent controls for L / R transposition. it transposes the next successive voice or grain. added L / R grain clock controls. also fixed some gain staging on the output. reminder that this plugin doesnt output sound for a few seconds so wait for it, then it gets cookin'!
07/14/24 - updated UI to work with all Ableton themes. added manual button for when toggle / metro is off. changed the output slightly to try to even out the gain discrepancies.
07/14/24 - updated UI to work with all Ableton themes, fixed x blur rnd & rate rnd toggles to be true on / off. added buttons to randomize those parameters. made a better random startup state. changed "magnitude threshold" label to "scalar". added better gain staging / control on the output. added a "stereo width" control.