Comments by archimboldi

Absolutely brilliant editor! Thank you for your work!
Is it possible to map a midi controller to this device? thanks!
Does this also work w/ DX7 or TX7? Thanks!
@rozze and @maximedangles -- I have little M4L experience. How hard would it be to do what Rozze did? Or, could you perhaps share your edit (with my proof of purchase from the OG developer, of course)! Thank you!
Purchased and love it; quickly became my favorite M4L sequencer.
Maybe I'm terrible at searches, but I have been looking for this for a LONG time! Thank you sooooo much! I can now retrigger the CV shaper (mapped to Operator's levels) without odd work-arounds!
I had no clue I needed this, but it's absolutely wonderful. Thank you!
Hello - I just purchased your device. It's great! However, the preset function is not working. Please let me know if you're able to address this. Thanks!