Comments by a200xeaf

if i find they update it in the future ill be sure to leave a comment here though
hello qu0th apologies for the late reply. this is a max issue and im not sure what the fix is. maybe the new max update fixes this. ive noticed specifically with ableton exports this happens. apologies for the inconvenience unfortunately it is out of my control
or if i missed a parameter by accident please also let me know and ill put out an update with the fixed parameter as soon as possible. also as an unrelated side note i would recommend using the lite mode for midi automation such as that to save performance on the heavy graphics rendering.
hi betweenlines glad you are enjoying the device. every parameter to my knowledge should be able to be automated by right clicking the knob slider or button and pressing edit midi map. feel free to shoot me a message on twitter if this isnt working on your end however and id be happy to help
5h3p great to hear that worked and the devices are operating as intended also thank you for spotting this bug i would have had no idea since i dont have winrar. ill make sure to make a note of using 7zip on windows for anyone else who might run into that issue.
shinytheshiny thank you so much for the kind words it really means a lot. planning to bring a lot more devices very soon.
it could also be the unicode characters. if you are using winrar try using something like 7zip as that unzip works on my machines
hi 5h3p

sorry to hear that. ive redownloaded the zip on both my mac and pc and can confirm the files are in there. did you fully unzip the zip file? how large is the zip file before extraction? what is in the unzipped folder? the files should be called magix. what system and os are you using? if you continue having issues please message me on twitter and ill make sure to get the zip working
hi irishmos glad to hear you are getting sounds now. yes it should randomly select samples from the folder. use the square under the i button in the top right to enter preview mode where you can drag on the knobs to preview sounds and then lock them in. or randomly play until you find a sound you like.
hi amselcom. thank you for the plethora of devices to check out. ill experiment with these and see if i can figure something out for the newer version. its part of the plan to add slight delays to each channel for a more spread out sound along with panning option. also yes ill be adding velocity reaction in the next version. pitch and sample wheels arent mappable/automate able because of the worry that if someone did automate but didnt lock the sample the automation would be overwritten by the randomization. ill enable this in the next update though so its at least an option.
hi irishmos. sorry to hear the device is causing some confusion in regards to loading samples. you mentioned trying to select the wavs but please keep in mind the sample loading buttons take in a folder as a selection not the actual wav files. i like the idea of a drop and drop feature though. ill keep this in mind for the next update. if loading folders still isnt working please dm me on twitter and ill make sure to get the device working for you and squash this bug for future versions.
hi amselcom. glad you enjoy the device. sc controls the random scaling of the speed parameters. when at zero samples will be played back at their original speed when randomization occurs. at full value samples will randomly be played between 0.2x speed and 2x speed. you can control the bias of this random time warping using the knob below it called tn. however the idea of a sidechain ability is interesting and could be a future feature. if a sidechain were to be added what would you like to see its function be? my first thought was that the layer 1 sample could sidechain into the 3 other layers but im open to any ideas you have.
hi offthesky. this happened with one of the beta testers and the issue was that the samples they loaded were mono not stereo. the device assume stereo samples so everything gets pushed to one side. ill be sure to rectify this in the next update by providing a mono option for output thanks for reporting this. in the meantime since the samples would be mono anyways i would recommend putting a utility device after it and forcing the audio to mono to get the same result. if the audio files are not mono please let me know and maybe provide them via twitter so i can investigate further.
glad to hear yall are enjoying the program neurononeuro and freddyfingaz. neuro ive run into some problems with asd files so that would be my guess. but if you find anything else please feel free to let me know. and freddy thats interesting that it started working. definitely keep me updated if it crashes again and what may have caused it in the folder. in the next update ill be making sure folder checks are only audio files files.
also great to hear larslyd. glad the new feature works
overhaul to midi backend. performs more like a mono synth now.
if the crashes continue even on folders with only wav files let me know and ill look more into what could be causing problems
hi freddyfingaz. glad to hear the preloaded device worked. the empty devices two buttons correspond to the two different banks that the device uses. the first layer the one on the far left only draws from the first bank which is the single dot. the 3 other layers draw from the second bank which is the two dots. make sure to be selecting folders as wav selection should be greyed out. as for ableton crashing my guess is that the folder selected may have had something other than audio files inside of it which is something that should be addressed/fixed in the next version. thank you for pointing this out ill be sure to put out an update soon with this rectified along with some of the other bugs users noted here. in the meantime i would say make sure the folder is only audio files or maybe even just wav files.
hi neurononeuro. glad you are getting some cool sounds out of this thing. the device should only be around 4-12% max cpu idle but then again i tested this on an m1 not a mac mini. if you could provide me with the number of samples you are loading and cpu usage in an empty project via twitter id be happy to improve upon the backend to make the device less intense on the cpu
hi irishmoss. please make sure that if you are using the empty version to load samples using the two bank loading buttons in the bottom right. you can also download a free premade sample pack along with preloaded version of the device from the gumroad page. it should still work in live 10 i just havent tested it so i put minimum version as live 11 to be safe. if you still arent getting sound feel free to reach out to me on the twitter in the gumroad and id be happy to squash this bug and get the device working for you.
updated with above mentioned feature
hi larslyd. glad you enjoy the device. most parameters should be mappable but the XY pads cant be mapped due to limitations in max/max4live. ill be sure to address this in the next version by giving the effects parameters adjustable/mappable numboxes that work in tandem with the xy pads. thank you for this feedback.
This particular library/package has an issue with not being embedded in patches via freezing. Please make sure you installed SDT package as per the directions. If you did and still aren’t getting sound shoot me a DM at my Twitter in the Gumroad and I’ll make sure to get the device working for you.