Comments by Zyko

Hi Schnitzelbub, thanks for your input. If I ever find time again to work on this, I will try out your suggestions. I heard rumors that NRPN-handling should be better in A10, we will see...

I think you are doing everything right, sounds like an overload of the OB-6 Midi-Input-buffer. Does this happen always, even when you only sequence one parameter? Or it's a bug in the M4L-device, that could be too. Suggestion: try to only sequence one parameter, and with little parameterchanges. See if it glitches, if not, add another modulation and so on... (keep in mind that if you drag an automation line from let's say 0 to 127 within a 1/4 note, that will generate 128*2=256 CC messages within a quarter note!)
Hi DenizKyou and JRock

Unfortunately this is not possible with the current OS of the synth. When you change patches, no NRPN are transmitted. There is now way to "tell" the OB-6 to dump its parameterstate on patch-change. Maybe a future OS update will implement this option. Go ask DSI! ;-)
The M4L device would already be equipped to handle this...

Happy knobbing,
Hi Jrock, thanks for your feedback.
- never tested it via USB, but it should work I think. Make sure you configure your OB-6 correctly (Everything over USB, NRPN-Mode, Midichannel etc.)
- Did you notice the "remotecontrol" button? It has to be enabled (lit) in order to send data to the OB-6. It's initially NOT enabled.
Hint: When recording automation with OB-6's knobs, you want remotecontrol to be disabled, otherwise you control the OB-6 locally with its own knobs AND remotely with the M4L-device, which leads to weird glitches. Except if you turn off "local control" on your OB-6, in that case just leave "remotecontrol" enabled all the time.

Hope that helps!