Comments by Tabula

Your device is already a game changer, the ability to variate a instrument rack on the fly like that is amazing.
Hope we can see a "Variations Iftah" version !
Great ! thanks ! :)
Great device! Just wondering, could you add the "Remote" and "Mod" modes, the new modulation mode from Ableton 12 LFO ?
Greats ! thanks a lot, it's very usefull for macro too. Macro can act like remote control, and let us still being able move the original knob.

It's strange that Ableton didn't make a option for the macro.
Thank you for your device, it's perfect!

Do you have a plan to extend or create a new version of your device for the "new" "Variations" device made by Iftah :

It will be a game changer, macro variations for all the parameters, not only 16 !"
Hi !
It doesn't work on Ableton 12, when I click on map in both directions, then on a parameter, nothing happens

I made a gif about it:
and gate support ! sorry for the three separates comments
And add the randomize option in Push layout !
I just bought your device, I've been looking for a compatible Push 3 sequencer for a long time! Thank you!

Just one thing, would it be possible in a future update to add the ability to change velocity to each step?
So we could have 3 banks: Pitch, Duration, and Velocity.