Comments by Schnitzelbub

Great Patch, like the gswitch2 thing. I have been missing that one.

In fact, Program Dump is already a part of the DSI Firewares. Ableton just filters them out and kills all communication for program dumb e.t.c.
This is cause it is done via sysex.

NRPN on the other side is just 4 Midi CC in a row forming 1 NRPN Signal. CC are not filtered so this beatiful gen is possible. Thank you.

To get PGM Dumbs done, you need to get one midi port deactivated for Ableton Live. Then you can use the sysex in inlet inside Max for Live.
Next would then be implementing something to understand those about 1kb of raw midi sysex data.
there then is a sysex decription map, which DSI already offered to understand whats the actual state of the NRPN Values.

Long Story Short, this already have been a bunch of work, but getting the sysex shit up is +200% more time to spend then.

Maybe a future update of Ableton will fix that sysex filter issue, but I guess they had their reasons. Even more i expect ( hopefully dream of ) Ableton to get that NRPN thing implemented in future. Ableton Live 10 maybe?