Comments by RutterStudios

Hey klfnk,

Yes this is a bug I'm sad to say. I am not am not able to figure out what is causing this. I have tried to fix this and the .amxd issue in the description but have sadly had no success. I must admit, I am not a Max-Ninja at all. I merely wanted to crossfade between two reverbs on an aux channel with a custom curve, but got a little carried away when I delved into M4L.

The mapping part is all pulled straight from MultiMap. I think it is something in the MultiMapPro/M4L.MapButtonMultiSingle/Mapping/getParamInfo sub-patch.

If anyone has fixed or knows how to fix this, or the other bug mentioned in the description, please fire me a Tweet @NSGoat.
Hi zeep. This workaround works for me every time so is tricky for me to debug. I am trying to get to the bottom of this though.

Once you have opened and enabled all mappings, are you able to map them after workaround step 4? Or you are never able to map more than one control?