Comments by Remedial


Thanks for the suggestion on setting up the Mopho and your device in Live. Would have never thought of trying that due to fear of their being a loopback on the MIDI.

Thanks once again for such a great device.
First off, let me say: WONDERFUL DEVICE!! Secondly, YES it does work with the Mopho desktop. Now, I do have 2 questions:

1. Where's the initialize button that you mention in the description? I've looked throughout the device but can't seem to locate it. I may just be overlooking it's obvious location, but, I sure could use some direction.

2. What would you recommend to be the best way to set up a midi track in order to have the device update when any changes are made on the unit itself? I know that, if I'm simply using the Ableton sequencer by drawing in notes, it should be simple: just set the midi out channel to the channel on my midi device that my Mopho's midi in port is connected to then the midi in to the channel on my midi device that the Mopho's midi out channel is connected to. But, my concern is, if I'm using an external controller to send notes to the Mopho, which would obviously then occupy the "MIDI IN" portion on the midi track, how would the device be able to update when changes are made on the Mopho itself?

This currently isn't a problem for me because I have no current plans of doing any edition on the Mopho itself, but, I would just like a suggestion, just in case.

Thanks again for such a great device!!