Comments by ReachingEquilibrium

schlam - the freeze doesn't happen on my computer, so I'm not sure what's happening there. Are you able to email me screenshots, or is it simply a case of Ableton freezes and you can't do anything but force close it?
Gumilastic - could you tell me which buttons and dials specifically are you referring to? Lots should be automatable already!
eRKA - in the manual you'll find a contact for me, could you email me over a picture of what the greyed out GUI is like in Live 11? I made it in 10, so I can't recreate the issue right now.

Also cheers for the feedback - I originally had the triggers mappable, but ran into the issue that every time the ducker was triggered it would take up space in Ableton's undo history, which made it pretty unusuable. Definitely keeping it in mind though.
BG23 - should work in stereo!

Gumilastic - good idea, thanks for the feedback!