Comments by PmichaelHenry

of course, you have to follow your own interests! If I was better at max I would adapt your patch myself but I'm still pretty stoopid about it:). Thanks for the work so far.
ah ok, thanks Yogen. I'd definitely upvote the idea of a session clip version! Much more useful for what ableton is really good at (live performance and manipulating stuff on the fly). Thanks for the good work.
Thanks Yogen, emailing you now. I've found something strange now though: it works with clips in the arrangement view but not the session view. Hope I didn't misunderstand the point of the device but it would be most useful in using it with session clips rather than arrangement!
Hi Yogen. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I'm afraid not though... I'm on an M1 silicon macbook, just in case that has any bearing on things. Thanks!
Hi Yogen, this is a brilliant idea but I'm struggling to get it to work. Is there any kind of tutorial? The device has no effect on any of my clips. I haven't tried a midi controller as yet but key mapping to parameters on the device isn't helping, neither is using the mouse. The selected audio clip remains unchanged. Thanks!
It's working fine on my silicon M1 macbook pro, nice work! The GUI doesn't show the nice coloured circles but the functionality is all fine.
EDIT: actually that's not true, it just doesn't work on live 11.1 Beta. Working fine on the latest official 11 release and sounds great!
Sadly it doesn't work on M1 Silicon either; 'incompatible externals' or something. But tbh even the built in ableton stuff like convolution reverb isn't working yet either! Would love to know what the exact issue is though. But well done on the honest work here.