Comments by Maerzmusic

This is a really cool device, but I'd really like if it included optional compensation for the lost volume. Maybe a single knob, that just boosts the volume like a utility device, and an automatic, recommended setting to equalize the volume to the exact level it was before the pan effect was added.

edit: I've found a workaround to the problem I just mentioned. If you freeze the track before exporting, it fixes everything.

Thanks again for the awesome plug-in!
I'm having trouble exporting a track now that I've added this Cassette plug-in. I've isolated the problem down to the automation of the "Play/Stop" button. When the track exports, it doesn't pick up on the automation, and just thinks it's either on or off, depending on where you select to export. This is a real shame, because the sound of it turning on with a long motor time is very cool, and I really want to be able to use it in this track. If you have any work-arounds, or could figure out a way to patch this glitch, it'd be very much appreciated! (And other than that, it's a great plug-in! Love it!)