Comments by LACONIC

Hi Jeroen, I just downloaded your max4live device and I am also having a similar issue reported: I see "other" midi ports rather than my own. I tried to edit the device and typed in the device I am using, but it does not respond.
I've also looked into the lh_midiinoutV1.03 link you posted but I can't seem to use that since I am on Windows 7 Pro.
I don't think it's an issue with only your device, I think this may be a bug of sorts with Max and Live. It would not be a bad idea to contact support for either group. I tried loading a midi device from another company and it did not load any of my midi devices (which Ableton easily recognizes).
Once again, thanks for the editor, it would be AMAZING to have this working, let me know if I can help you test.. cheers! LVF
Hi Jeroen, I just downloaded your max4live device and I am also having a similar issue reported: I see "other" midi ports rather than my own. I tried to edit the device and typed in the device I am using, but it does not respond.
I've also looked into the lh_midiinoutV1.03 link you posted but I can't seem to use that since I am on Windows 7 Pro.
I don't think it's an issue with only your device, I think this may be a bug of sorts with Max and Live. It would not be a bad idea to contact support for either group. I tried loading a midi device from another company and it did not load any of my midi devices (which Ableton easily recognizes).
Once again, thanks for the editor, it would be AMAZING to have this working, let me know if I can help you test.. cheers! LVF
***when I play back a recorded midi clip from Ableton- it should read
***when I play back a recorded midi clip from Ableton- it should read
Hello this is a great look and working device... except for one thing: when I play back a recorded midi clip from the TB-3, it sounds nothing like the original pattern (sound). I have done what you suggest: 1. either turn off SYNC in the output midi properties, OR 2. use an empty pattern in the TB-3.

I have also changed the local midi on/off setting and stopped the sequencer from running in the TB-3 while I trigger Ableton clip.
I've also toggled your Ableton/TB-3 sequencer button in your device.

So far nothing is giving me a clean sounding pattern from the clip.
Any ideas?

Hello this is a great look and working device... except for one thing: when I play back a recorded midi clip from the TB-3, it sounds nothing like the original pattern (sound). I have done what you suggest: 1. either turn off SYNC in the output midi properties, OR 2. use an empty pattern in the TB-3.

I have also changed the local midi on/off setting and stopped the sequencer from running in the TB-3 while I trigger Ableton clip.
I've also toggled your Ableton/TB-3 sequencer button in your device.

So far nothing is giving me a clean sounding pattern from the clip.
Any ideas?