Comments by Krypt1k

Hey, please use the following link for now, because my website is in the process of being redone.
Download links are working now!
Link will be fixed by this evening! (I am in the process of moving my website to a different host).
Great! Thanks for the feedback!
Yes sir!
Braduro, you brought up excellent points that I will cover in the tutorial video. I have been very busy lately with gigs, but you have made it clear what I need to cover in the tutorial. Thanks for your comment! Stay tuned.
Please go here for the latest version.
DJTitan The next version with mapping will be out sometime in the next 2 weeks as time permits. Stay tuned!
Take a look at this video This is a preview of the next version, but has similar functionality ( but you can map this one ). It records a envelope that does not control anything. simply a "dummy" envelope. You can then copy the envelope and paste it onto any parameter you want to control.
Take a look at this video This is a preview of the next version, but has similar functionality ( but you can map this one ). It records a envelope that does not control anything. simply a "dummy" envelope. You can then copy the envelope and paste it onto any parameter you want to control.
Keep in mind, if you open this device in the max editor, it will stop working! This is not a security feature, it has to do with the dynamic nature of parameter visibility setting, will fix this shortly.
Braduro, this devices simply draws a automation envelope in ableton that can be pasted to other parameters. I will create a video with instructions on how to use it! Stay tuned.
Thanks! I have some cool features I'm adding for the next update!
Hey Harris, i have discovered a solution to solve the undo history problem! Stay tuned.
Thanks for the feedback, thats very strange i will look into it!
Man this thing is cool, great job!
Man this thing is cool, great job!