Comments by Kapetan


Thanks for your help. Very good features, saw them on different sequencers.

At the moment, I'm thinking about to rebuild this device from ground, as I realized that the original device's base is very old now.

I would like to make a big step forward for version 2, so we will have to wait for several months for the next version.

I hope to find some time to update the present version 1.5 in between.

Thanks for your thoughts.
The trigger/play mode functionality is the next task on my schedule. I recognized I have to refine that part.

For example there is a bug if you are in legato mode on 1/16 and change to 1/32, the notes will not be shortened.

I hope to solve this issue in the next weeks, so that the MK16-185 becomes a reliable tool step by step.

Comments on bugs and new features are still welcome!


Yes, pattern switching would be great.

I'm thinking about to get rid of the presets and change them to savable pattern to switch between them. But I'm afraid of the performance.

Currently working on a new update with an improved UI.
Hope to be finito in a few weeks.

Please comment for bugs and new features!!!
@staplesyrup @SeppUltura

As I reviewed your problem I realized it is a big issue. So I updated the device to version 1.0.1 and hope the problem is solved. I tested it by recording the MIDI to a second channel and it works fine for me.
Thanks so far. Nice to see that there is a use for it.


Sorry, I have no experience with Lemur.


I understand the problem. I will have a look on this when I got the time (No idea how to change this at the moments). Is this a big issue in your workflow?