Comments by JohnyRingo


I did hit the Java page you mentioned, but didn’t install. I wanted to hear back from you first, thank you for responding. I will install the Java. Yes I put my User Library on an external because I hate filling up my system drive. No worries sir, I’m patient, I know you’ll figure out another way but yes I’ll install the Java from the Cycling site and give that a try. Thank you
Its still not working for me. My user library is on an external drive which I of course have Ableton pointed to. I've tried to put the 3 files directly into my user library and I've also tried putting into the Presets>Audio Effects>Max Audio Effects and I'm still getting the "no java error" and IR's and Noises not working. I'm on an M1 Mac, could that be the issue?
does this device only work in Session View? cuz im not hearing any difference in swing...REALLY love the concept of this though. Thanks