Comments by Efraim

@ gamuso:
You need two tracks and put a CPfade on each of them, then on one track set it to A and on the other on B.
Assign one knob to both of the CPfade instances and use that to crossfade between the tracks.
Of course if you only have one track it will just fade out.
You could also do it with an audio rack, where you have two chains, each with a CPfade object.

@ offthesky:

I have tested it too with bass notes, and I found out that with some notes the volume drops in the middle, while with others it rises. So it must be a phase problem, causing a slight null or a peak in the middle.
I don't know how this can be solved yet, because I noticed that Max isn't 100% accurate with timing when running inside Live.

Maybe I'll add customisable fader curves in a future version. That is a little bit more complicated as it means there needs to be a kind of interpolation between different formulas. Right now it's based on a sine-function.

The glitches were caused by the line-object not working at audio-rate. I've made an update that fixes this (basically I replaced the [line 0.] with [line~ 0.]).
@ gamuso:
You need two tracks and put a CPfade on each of them, then on one track set it to A and on the other on B.
Assign one knob to both of the CPfade instances and use that to crossfade between the tracks.
Of course if you only have one track it will just fade out.
You could also do it with an audio rack, where you have two chains, each with a CPfade object.

@ offthesky:

I have tested it too with bass notes, and I found out that with some notes the volume drops in the middle, while with others it rises. So it must be a phase problem, causing a slight null or a peak in the middle.
I don't know how this can be solved yet, because I noticed that Max isn't 100% accurate with timing when running inside Live.

Maybe I'll add customisable fader curves in a future version. That is a little bit more complicated as it means there needs to be a kind of interpolation between different formulas. Right now it's based on a sine-function.

The glitches were caused by the line-object not working at audio-rate. I've made an update that fixes this (basically I replaced the [line 0.] with [line~ 0.]).
It works :)
Maybe at some point I will make a youtube video demonstrating this little tool.