Comments by DEK

Thank You very much !!!
Hi DrKesier,
DRK LIVECAM4 works great on my MacBookPro. I think this is a great tool for dance-music performances. I am a dance class accompanist for 18 years and compe music for contemporary dance and was looking for a tool like this. I am very new to Max so I do not know how to alter or add things. So I have some questions and ideas; Can I use a pre-recorded video on this device? it will be very good for exploring ideas and sounds at home. dividing screen for different cc messages is a very good idea. Is it possible to divide the screen in a different way? for example diagonally or draw custom areas, circles triangles etc. I also wonder if color changes can be used as cc messages? I tried using two DRKLIVECAM in different midi tracks and in different midi channels they both worked I managed to control 8 parameters but not perfectly. there was a flicker at the image and the values were not smooth. Is it possible to use 2 or more DRK LIVECAM simultaneously. Is it also possible to use 2 or more cameras?

Anyway I appreciate your work a lot. It is easy to use and reliable instrument as far as I experienced. I wish I had enough knowledge in programing Max in order to contribute your project.

thanks a lot